Saturday 11 May 2013

This whole week, after getting to know that the part which do not deserve had been appointed as the new government, my heart was bleeding...

After all the effort that done by the party that fight for us the citizen had failed due to some dirty tricks. How I know that it was unfair? hahaa.. simple.... there were so many proof and evidences that had been posted by citizens explain all...

The whole week was still in the energy recovering mode... I cried not once.. but a few times just to mourn the death of the Democracy in our home land.. the land that I had resided for 30+ years.. my root.

I am getting very disappointed when the government sworn to protect the right of the citizens and took oath to do the best for the country were taken advantage of their power and position to transform into a Legal Snatch Thieves... Instead of developing the country, they are developing and piling up their own property and monies....

Blackout at 11th May 2013

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