Saturday 11 May 2013

This whole week, after getting to know that the part which do not deserve had been appointed as the new government, my heart was bleeding...

After all the effort that done by the party that fight for us the citizen had failed due to some dirty tricks. How I know that it was unfair? hahaa.. simple.... there were so many proof and evidences that had been posted by citizens explain all...

The whole week was still in the energy recovering mode... I cried not once.. but a few times just to mourn the death of the Democracy in our home land.. the land that I had resided for 30+ years.. my root.

I am getting very disappointed when the government sworn to protect the right of the citizens and took oath to do the best for the country were taken advantage of their power and position to transform into a Legal Snatch Thieves... Instead of developing the country, they are developing and piling up their own property and monies....

Blackout at 11th May 2013

Tuesday 7 May 2013

What I want ?

That was the saddest things that I read this morning. Why must we all been labeled AGAIN? It merely go against your 1M Plan's objectives. We are all Anak Malaysian you said before under the 1M Plan. Now you are separating us out from Anak Malaysia.

Why do you need to start these sensitive topics all over again since you know better than us what will actually happened that if the havoc and commotion is created.

This is not a races issues, you won eventually but you merely put all the blames of losing votes of Rakyat Malaysia to Chinese Races. Why you need to put it this way? It is more upset than when we know you have done all kinds of dirty tricks or go all out to make sure that you win this round.

I don't understand all these.......... what is the purpose of doing all this? I cannot close my eyes for the night. I worried about my future.. I worried when will the Bangla that been brought in to vote come knocked on my door and rob me.. I worried about what you mentioned over the press that you would not add any extra plan for Chinese Races in Malaysia over what had planned before... What does all these means?

Monday 6 May 2013

I Choose to Vote

Today I was so so so happy that I had wake up very early even though I couldn't sleep well last night.

As I know that I, as a Malaysian, had a rights that need to be exercised and a mission to be fulfilled today.

I wake up at 6.30am, received a morning reminder from a closed friend of mine gently reminding me that I have to go fulfill the task.

I never understand politics, and guess I will never do. But as far as I know till date I love my country, I love the country with so many races live in peacefully (Kerharmonian, Keamanan, Kesejahteraan)... I had friends from different races, we smiles, we chat, we play games, we go lunch or dinner, we do a lot of things together... I want it to be a clean sleek voting this round, so I chose to come back to my hometown where I spent my childhood here to VOTE!!

I am glad I did it!!!