Wednesday 28 August 2013

Fight the Fat

6 High Intensity Workout to burn out all the Fat if you can be persistent and do it daily!!!! Nail It!!!

workout motivation 0729 02

Friday 23 August 2013

Reasons to Exercise

You need a reason to exercise? Well, I can give you 50 of it.. But the most important thing is when are you going to kickstart the healthy life? or just find another excuses to delay the start?
a great reminder when the rain (or internet vortex or yawn-faces or any number of other barriers) gets the best of me.

Small Thought of the Day!!

Fitness is my life. I love it you hate it. #motivationforyou #Padgram

Monday 19 August 2013

Friday 16 August 2013

Drama Queens

Sometimes you will feel that life is suck, when whatever you do is not going your way. Then you will start to doubt about yourself, felt bad about it, full of negative energy around.

There are lots of drama queens that we might met in our life, we might the one that even ourselves do not aware about it. Simply because that is the way we carry ourselves from the day that we understand that the world is round.

Some drama queens are in good mean but some just not realizing themselves are destroying others and become very annoying or they know but just chose not to aware of the case.
Drama Queen

Sunday 4 August 2013

Do Not Give Up

Never ever give up! Stay on and be Persistent then you are one step closer to success

Saturday 3 August 2013

Say Cheese on the Weekend!

See the traits and the relatives of cheeses!!

Indulge yourself once a while in the the Cheese dishes - Creamy Macaroni and Cheese

Spiral Macaroni
Del Monte Cheese Sauce (its a new product)
Chopped bacon strips
All purpose Cream
Cheese Powder
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook macaroni as per label instruction. Set aside.
2. In a pan, place small amount of olive oil. Brown the garlic together with chopped bacon.
3. Turn to low fire and add the cheese sauce and all purpose cream. Add a bit of water if sauce is too thick.
4. Flavor with cheese powder, salt and pepper according to taste.
5. Pour in the macaroni. Make sure everything is covered with the cheese sauce.

Friday 2 August 2013

Sexy Leg Workout

Keep this as one of your workout list! Make yourself a pair of the sexy leg babe!

Smashing Your Cores

Smashing through your Cores!! You will get the satisfaction tomorrow when you feel that your abs is burning

Replay for 3-5 times
30 seconds each of this exercise
1) Cross Leg Reverse Curl (Left Leg)
2) Cross Leg Reverse Curl (Right Leg)
3) Weight Pass Scissors
4) Bike Toe Touch
5) Left to Right Toe Touch Abs
6) Right to Left Toe Touch Abs
7) Side to Side Knee Tucks

Thursday 1 August 2013

Feeling bloat? Food to Avoid in consumption

What is the foods that can beat your bloat? Read this:

Insanity HIIT Challenge

Give it ago, try as hard as you can and you will feel immediate effect it after exercise. Get in with your effort and hard core!

7 minutes to
7 Hiit exercises
30 seconds workout
10 seconds rest
3-5 times