Monday 24 June 2013

30 Days Squat Challenge

Follow and Challenge yourself with this schedule. See the difference after 30 Days!!!

How to do a correct Squat

Sunday 23 June 2013

Random Dinner @ Indian Restaurant at Bangsar Village 2, KL

Easting a random hot and spicy dinner, how random is that?or shall I say how frequent is that?

Monday 10 June 2013

30 Day Crunch Challenge

Summer time!! Get yourself down to your feet and start to workout to the perfect body!

Crunches are a lot like sit-ups, except that instead of lifting your entire back off the floor, you only lift your upper back. This isolates ("crunches") the ab muscles without engaging muscles in your hips. Crunches are also safer than sit-ups because they don't compress your spine as much. When paired with adequate weight loss, doing crunches regularly can lead to six-pack abs. If your goal is simply a flat stomach, however, spot exercises won't help. Read How to Lose Belly Fat instead. 

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet together flat on the floor and about 10-15 inches from your buttocks. Your hands should either be crossed on your chest, by your side, or cupped behind your ears.  

Without moving your lower body, curl your upper torso up and in toward your knees, until your shoulder blades are as high off the ground as you can get them. Only your shoulder blades should lift - not your back. As you come to the highest point tighten and flex your abdominal for a brief second. Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat for reps.  


Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The Day