Monday 29 April 2013

Labour Day

Waking up early in the morning on Labour Day... Guess both fur kids thought mommy need to work huh....

At the end the holiday sleep ended, coz both of their kids wanted mommy to bring them out to have a morning walk. After a half an hour walk, both of them reaching home constantly gasping the air.

What a lovely Labour Morning walk.....

Sunday 28 April 2013

Everything to do this week

This morning went to Opulence to do a spectacle as the old one spoiled by my baby. Eagerly need one for the vacation in next 3 weeks time. The sales told me this is very fashionable... I was wondering how it may looks like when it is on my face.... hehe

Went to Pet Lover Center then to buy a Choke Chain for my Ah Bow, since the test will be on Sunday morning, need the Choke Chain to train him on down stay but at the end we both failed the test as he can only down stay for 45 seconds and the exam is to down stay for 1 minute.

Found this Panda Colour Rabbit displaying nearby the entrance which is very cute.

Then went to Blunnis to look for the eyebrows embroidery enquiry. The sales told me that if only taking up eyebrows embroidery alone it already cost me RM660. But since it is now doing promotion, this come in a package whereby i will get extra 2 times free touch up, 1 facial and one body spa or something which if you calculate it yourself, it already worth more than RM900. Worth it? Depends pretty much on the budget we have also... yet i still sign up for the package as the Sales told me that today there will be another RM50 rebate on the package!!! Tempting and in need to see my eyebrows back...

After all the spending, took a simple yet economic yet delicious mixed rice as my lunch.

Dinner Idea, Ayamas set meal A. The chicken is juicy and the portion is big enough to fill up my stomach. Yummy!

Besides, the chicken, set meal, they are also selling Hot Stuff!! They have Puff, Pie, Fish ball, Nuggets. Which made my dinner more sumptuous. Burppppppppppp 

Thursday 25 April 2013

Hakka Style Roasted Pork

Sometimes i think indulge myself in a little heavy dinner is fine as to reward myself after a whole day work. If grow fat due to this, gym is everywhere... not too worry

The Hakka Style Roasted Pork in 二嫂酿豆腐 in Kepong is just simply crispy and juicy.. can't help to dig in myself in the dish!! 

Feeling guilty after dish? Naw.....Are you kidding...?? how to resist the yummy food?

Sunday 21 April 2013

Lovely Shopping Saturday Morning

Early morning went to Parkson to buy some Buffday Gift and ran some errands, ended up enjoying free voucher amounted to over RM160 to spend!!!

Well then after a 45 minutes of queuing up for the free voucher then spent half an hour to finished up the voucher, enjoyed myself in the Chatterbox to fill up my empty stomach.

Enjoyable Saturday morning!!!

Monday 1 April 2013

April Fool Spring

It is April Fool, yet am still very happy... my flower is blossom in my little Garden!! Bright and beautifully welcoming the Spring of 2013 to arrive...